Thursday, December 19, 2019

On Page SEO Optimization

on-page-seo-optimizationON-PAGE SEO

On-page SEO is one of the most important processes you can use to rank high in a search engine's organic results and run successful SEO campaigns.
A website is the focus of all SEO processes, and if it is not optimized properly for search engines and users, you reduce the risk of getting traffic from search engines.


over the year,google has been adding more and more information to the search result,aside from adwords and organic serach result,to improve the search experience.


featured snippets are a format that allows user to answer their questions briefly and directly without clicking on a specific result.

Title TagsAn HTML tag used to define the title of a text or search list at the top of a web browser.  The title should be accurate and provide a short summary of the content of the page.  It must not exceed 60 characters.  Tags are essential to every website, and are web pages, and each webpage must have a different title tag.  Title tags play a very important role in optimizing your page in search engines.Google calculate the pixel width of 512 pixels with a limit of characters used.

Code Sample;
<tittle>Example Tittle</tittle>

Try to avoid all caps titles. It can be difficult for search visitors to read them,and can severely limit the number of characters Google displays.

While there is no penalty for Google's algorithm for longer titles, you will have problems if your title starts to fill in the keywords, creating a bad user experience.

Give every page a unique title

Unique titles help search engines understand that your content is unique and valuable, but also increases high click-through rates.
While title tags are important to SEO, keep in mind that your first job is to attract clicks from well-targeted visitors who may find your content valuable. In addition to optimization and keyword usage, it is important to think about the whole user experience when creating your header tags.
A meta description but with a general impact, you should try to use good grammar and avoid spelling mistakes.  High quality and low visibility of low quality content.  You rarely see spelling mistakes or grammatical issues in content from top publishers.

Blogging:Alt text is an attribute added to the HTML of the image.  Adding optimized alt text to your images will make your blog more accessible to the visually impaired and give your blog an SEO boost.

Always write whole phrases, but don't worry about the uppercase or punctuation mark because the uppercase letter isn't important.  And, as tempting as it may be, avoid keyword packing.  Google does not reward this tactical behavior, and it can only make your SEO worse.

google-search-consoleGoogle search Console + Web Master tool

These two webmaster tools help you find out what the two best search engines think about your site.  It is helpful to see any bugs, alerts, and indexing issues.
Both devices require a bit of installation on your site
Google Webmaster Tools, also known as the Google Search Console, is a collection of web-based web utilities that help website owners make sure their site is Google-friendly.  These Google Web tools have many useful applications, such as obtaining data about incoming search traffic, requesting Google to crawl and index the website, and view crawl error reports.

Why Use Webmaster Tools?

One of the best applications of the device is that it allows webmasters to crawl and process their websites and pages for Google indexing.  Error reports enable them to detect problems that prevent their site from performing well in Google Search.  Webmaster tools include a set of Google search tools that provide data about which keywords are ranked on Google and which domains link to a given website.

Meta Description

The meta description tag in HTML is a 160 character snippet used to summarize the content of a web page.  Search engines sometimes use these snippets in search results, telling visitors about a page before clicking on it.Meta descriptions can be any length, but Google typically shortens the snippets to 155–160 characters.  It is best to keep the meta descriptions sufficiently descriptive, so we recommend descriptions between 50-160 characters.  Keep in mind that the "optimal" length varies depending on the situation, and your primary goal should be to provide value and drive clicks.
Although not linked to search engine ranking, meta description tags are very important to get user click through from SRPs.  These short paragraphs are a webmaster's opportunity to "advertise" content to those who are searching, and the opportunity for the searcher to decide if the content is relevant and contains the information they seek from their search query.
Code Sample
meta name="description"content="
The meta description tag helps the function of ad copy.  It draws readers from SERP to a website, so this is a very visible and important part of search marketing.  Creating a readable and compelling description using important keywords can improve the click-through rate for a given webpage.  To increase click-through rates on search engine result pages, it is important to note that Google and other search engines bolster keywords in the description when matched with search queries.

Avoid duplicate meta description

As with title tags, it’s important to keep the meta descriptions on each page unique.  Otherwise, you will end up with SERP results like this:

One way to combat duplicate meta descriptions is to implement a dynamic and programmatic way to create unique meta descriptions for automated pages.  If possible, replace the actual description you write for each page.

Body Section



Each page or post can have multiple headings.  The <H1> HTML tag is usually used for the title of a
page or post, and is the first title to appear on a page.  The formatting of an h1 usually differs from the rest of the title tags found on a page (h2, h3, h4).


The H2 tag is a subtitle and your H1 tag should contain similar keywords.  Your H3 is subtitled to your H2.  Think of them as a hierarchy of importance, and the above is more important than the following

Sand Box

Google sandbox refers to the general belief that Google has a filter that restricts all new websites to rank in searches for a period of time.Very few people know if the sandbox model actually exists, but it appears in March 2004 as a filter added to Google algorithms.


Primary keyword
secondary keyword

primary keyword, as the name implies, is a keyword used before any other keywords in a webpage or article.  Therefore, the primary keyword is the most relvent keyword on a web page.  In turn, the primary keyword must include a site's title, domain, and its content.  It should also be added to the first sentence on the page.  The primary keyword is essential for SEO purposes because it is used to describe the web page and to help people find the site.  A secondary keyword is used after the primary keyword, which is not required in relation to SEO.  However, using a secondary keyword increases your chances of attracting additional visitors to your site.

Content optimization

Content optimization is the process of ensuring that content is written in such a way that it reaches the target audience.  The process of optimizing content should include meta,short heading,simple sentence,title tags, and relevant links, ensuring that relevant keywords are included.
Bold differs strongly from ordinary text, and is used to highlight important keywords for the content of the text and to allow such words to be easily scanned visually. 

Bounce rate

One of the cheapest and cheapest measures of any website's SEO campaign is the site's "bounce rate."
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who open a website before spending a significant amount of time searching

bounce-rateFor example, if the user searches for a quick answer question, clicks the first result, finds their answer in a few seconds and returns to SERP to continue doing something unrelated, this will lead to higher bounce rates.  Considering this example, it's easy to see why "good" bounce rates are entirely dependent on your website's goals and why algorithms have different ranking factors.

Keyword density

Keyword density refers to how many times a keyword appears as a percentage or percentage of the total number of words within a particular webpage or piece of content.  It is also sometimes called keyword frequency or the frequency at which a specific keyword appears on a webpage.
In the context of search engine optimization, keyword density can be used to determine if a web page is relevant to a particular keyword or keyword style.

Anchor test

While on a website or webpage, you may see a different color and underlined text.  If you hover over this text with your mouse and a link appears, George has your chance at anchor text!  Click on that text and you will surely be moved to a new page!
Anchor text, link label, link text or link title is a text that is visible and clickable in a hyperlink The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that a page receives through search engines.Generally, web search engines analyze anchor text from hyperlinks in web pages.

you can refer our previous posts about the history and evolution of SEO

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