Thursday, December 19, 2019

The History And Evolution Of SEO

The History And Evolution Of SEO

Google discovered two PhD students at Stanford University in California.  They created Google as part of their project.  When the September 11, 2001, attacks on the US World Trade Center.

Google could not provide accurate information on the matter.  This greatly influenced Google officials, which prompted them to hold an emergency meeting on the matter.  According to Google officials, the main reason for not getting enough information on the matter is that the website associated with the incident is not "crawlable".

Google acts as a process of crawling, catching and indexing.  Google has decided to crawl web pages, for which Google experts have developed an SEO Starter Guide and provided it to Webmasters.  Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide aimed at improving quality and gaining trust among users.

Google is based on algorithms.  There are some facts that determine the ranking of websites.  Google has undergone some changes over time to improve the quality of websites for their users.  Google has adopted some of the following methods:

  • Content specification
  • Link specification
  • Quality link specification
  •  The juice passes
  • Content specification


is a method based on keywords.  This method was used by Google in the first period.  Keywords are terms that users use to search for something.  The ranking was based on the increased usage of keywords on the website.  This has led to the manipulation of websites.  Web developers have taken advantage of this and instead of improving the website quality, they have stuffed the site with keywords called 'keyword stuffing'.

Link specification

Due to the rise in keyword secularism, Google has developed a new method, called a link-specific method.  Link-specific method is a method used to rank a website, how often and when that particular website's link is used.  Webmasters have also dealt with this.  They try to buy and sell links to each other to stay on top of the search engine.

Quality link specification

Link specification has been replaced by Quality Link specific method.  A website is ranked based on links used on quality web pages.  Google ranked these websites out of 10.

The Juice passes

Link juice is a term used in the SEO world to denote the value or equity transferred from one or site to another.this value passes hroughhyperlinks. Search engines see links as votes for other websites that need to promote and promote our page

blak-hat-seoSEO Techniques

Black Hat Technique 
Unreasonable use of techniques to improve web page ranking. 
Black Hat SEO uses the techniques and strategies used to achieve high search rankings and violate search engine rules.  Black Hat SEO focuses solely on search engines and not on human audiences.
 Example: Keyword secularism.

White Hat Technique 
Ethical Ways to Improve the Quality of a Web Page
White Hat SEO refers to the use of techniques and strategies aimed at a human audience as opposed to a search engine.

Gray Hat Technique - Uses immoral and moral ways in a top-ranked webpage.

Google Adwords

Inital release: october 23,2000
Google Adwords is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display short ads, service offerings, product listings and video content and create mobile app installs on Google.  Ad network for web users.
Formerly known as Google AdWords, Google Ads - the most popular PPC platform to date - operates on a one-click pay-per-view model, in which users bid on keywords and pay per click on their ads.

Google AdSense

Initial release date: 18 June 2003
Google AdSense offers website owners a way to make money from their online content.  AdSense works by matching text to your site and displaying ads based on your content and visitors.  Advertisers who want to promote products create and pay for ads.

Pogo Sticking

Pogo Sticking is defined as going to and from a search engine result page (SERP) to a personalized search result destination site.  In other words, when a searcher clicks on a link in a SERP, she sees that she is not looking and bounces back immediately after hitting the back button.

Personalized Search result

Individual search results are the results a user sees in a search engine based on traditional ranking factors (such as the relevance of web pages to the search term or their authority), and the search information the user has about the engine at a given time.

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